June 16, 2024Trash Tracker live on TestflightTrash Tracker is an initiative focused on cleaning and maintaining natural environments by mobilizing volunteers and employing technology to monitor trash levels and raising awareness in various locations all across the world.
One prominent example of a Trash Tracker program operates under the National Park Service at Lake Powell. Since 1989, this program has brought together volunteers who clean up the lake’s shoreline. Participants spend several days on a houseboat provided by a cooperating marina, dedicating their time to remove trash from different parts of the lake. This effort not only helps maintain the lake’s natural beauty but also supports its water quality program, ensuring Lake Powell remains one of the cleanest lakes in the U.S. The program is notable for its community engagement and has even seen lifelong commitments formed among its volunteers, such as marriages.
With that being said we release our Beta Test app within the iOS store and soon to come on Android, we aim to expand across all around the world and hopefully make it more clean
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